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Southern Illinois University,Carbondale
Carbondale, IL 62901
历史悠久 公立大学
  • 建校时间:1869 年
  • 学校类型:公立
  • 学生总数:18847
  • 毕业率:71.6%
  • 男女比例:34:66
  • 就业率:89.9%
  • 优势专业:教育 商科 医学 工程
院校简介 本科申请 研究生申请 专业设置 院校排名 院校问答






























  南伊利诺伊 大学提供双人间,包括: 两张超长床-在许多商店和网店你都能买到超长床单。 两张桌子、椅子 两个垃圾桶 两个梳妆台、置物柜 两个衣柜 配有窗帘的窗户 瓷砖地板 吸顶灯 烟雾报警器 有线电视 无线网络 水槽、镜子 空调、暖气 备注:宿舍提供浴帘...













  2016 U.S.News美国研究生教育专业排名 - 第59名

  2016 U.S.News美国研究生法学院排名 - 第149名

  2016 U.S.News美国综合大学排名 - 第153名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生美术专业排名 - 第62名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生人类学专业排名 - 第68名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生教育专业排名 - 第77名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生社会学专业排名 - 第84名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生社会政策专业排名 - 第84名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生社会服务工作专业排名 - 第88名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生文学专业排名 - 第96名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生语言专业排名 - 第96名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生英文专业排名 - 第98名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生历史专业排名 - 第125名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生化学专业排名 - 第131名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生公共事务专业排名 - 第138名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生心理学专业排名 - 第141名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生生物科学专业排名 - 第175名

  2015 U.S.News美国综合大学排名 - 第189名

  2014 美国艺术学院排名 - 第67名

  2014 美国公立大学排名 - 第100名

  2014 U.S.News美国综合大学排名 - 第177名

  2013 U.S.News美国综合大学排名 - 第179名


师生比:1:11国际学生比例:1:8本科生数:7,274人 男女比:34:66在校学生数:18847研究生数:11,072人















为学生们提供学士学位、硕士学位以及博士学位,专业设置广泛,开设的主要专业包括:美洲研究、人类学、亚洲语言、生物科学、化学、古典文学、交流学、比较文学、戏剧、地球科学、亚洲研究、工程、经济学、英语、历史、国际关系、数学、音乐、哲学、心理学、宗教研究、象征系统学、计算机科学、化学工程、土木工程、电气工程、机械工程学、工程物理学、环境工程、生物工程、计算机系统工程 、产品设计、城市研究、建筑设计、数学及计算机科学、航空航天、能源资源工程、管理学与工程、材料科学与工程、生物力学工程、地质工程学与水文学等等





  • 本科学生数:7,274人
  • 本科录取率:79%
  • 本科申请人数:10,114
  • 申请截止时间:3月1日;EA:11月15日
  • 总花费:$59,594
  • 申请费:$90
  • 学费:$42,162
  • 住宿费:$14,264
  • 生活费:$4,260
  • 研究生学生数:11,072人
  • 研究生录取率:6%
  • 研究生申请人数:38,828
  • 申请截止时间:9月9日-4月12日
  • 总花费:$102,936-178,465
  • 申请费:$125-275
  • 学费:$54,315-129,700
  • 住宿费:$20,955
  • 生活费:$26,220
专业名称 学位类型 学制 开学时间 费用 申请要求 申请材料
生物医学工程-硕士MS MS in Biomedical Engineering 硕士 夏季 托福:总分:80,口语:80,写作:80 雅思:总分:6.5,口语:6.5,写作:6.5
Recommendation Letter: Applications for admission must include the following: A statement of interest, transcripts, GRE scores, three reference letters and TOEFL score (where appropriate), as required by the Graduate School.
电子与计算机工程-硕士MS MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering 硕士 夏季 托福:总分:80,口语:80,写作:80 雅思:总分:6.5,口语:6.5,写作:6.5
Recommendation Letter: Admission to the program is based on the following factors: grade point average, class ranking, GRE scores (especially quantitative) and faculty recommendation letters.
英语-硕士MA MA in English 硕士 秋季 托福: 雅思:
Transcript: Official transcripts from colleges and universities attended. (All transcripts are required for fellowship applicants and must have latest grades available by the fellowship application deadline.) Transcripts must be sent by colleges and universities directly to Graduate Studies in English. Please request that schools send additional transcripts if necessary so that the very latest grades and degrees posted are available as soon as possible. Please send these documents directly to the Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of English, either as filled PDFs or in hard copy to the following address: Director of Graduate Studies Department of English: MC 4503 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale Carbondale, IL 62901 Personal Statement: All applicants to the MA, MFA, and Ph.D. programs must submit a detailed Statement of Purpose for admission to the Department of English at SIUC. The statement consists of one or more double-spaced, typed pages (350-700 words) that address the questions below. These questions do not have to be answered in order or in equal detail. The Graduate Studies Committee views the statement of purpose as a chance for applicants to detail their future projects and intellectual interests as well as how department faculty can assist in developing these projects and interests. Although the committee is interested in applicants’ broader career goals, it is most interested in their specific literary, rhetorical, and creative interests. • In what aspect of literary or rhetorical studies are you interested? Do you have an interest in any specific literary period, critical or theoretical approach, or research topic? Do you have a research or creative project in mind? (MFA applicants: Also see the next section and direct your responses to reflect your creative writing interests and goals) Will you be able to satisfy these interests with the current English curricula at SIUC? What background (i.e., course training, professional or academic experience) prepares you to study English at the graduate level? • Additional questions for MFA applicants only: Why are you seeking a degree in creative writing? What do you hope to gain from such a degree program? Which poets or writers, beyond the writers you have studied with as an undergraduate student, do you cite as influences upon your own writing? • Why have you selected the English Department at SIUC? Do you, for instance, want to work with specific faculty? Are you attracted to specific programs or course offerings? • If you are applying for a graduate assistantship, please discuss your interests in teaching. Do you, for instance, have any training in teaching? Do you envision a career in teaching, if so, at what level? What are your career goals in the fields of English? If your goals extend to fields outside academics and teaching, please explain how an advanced degree in English helps you meet them. Recommendation Letter: Three Letters of Recommendation (at least two from professors) Writing Sample: Please submit at least one sample of academic writing that forecasts your capacity to complete the written work typically assigned in graduate seminars. The ideal writing sample will be at least eight pages of your writing that demonstrates your ability with as many of the following as possible: ● clearly articulated and appropriately focused thesis ● coherently developed argument ● sufficiently researched analysis (and/or theoretically informed argument) ● logically derived conclusion(s) ● correctly documented source material Please submit a clean copy of the paper, one without teacher comments or grade.
英语-硕士MFA MFA in English 硕士 秋季 托福: 雅思:
Transcript: Official transcripts from colleges and universities attended. (All transcripts are required for fellowship applicants and must have latest grades available by the fellowship application deadline.) Transcripts must be sent by colleges and universities directly to Graduate Studies in English. Please request that schools send additional transcripts if necessary so that the very latest grades and degrees posted are available as soon as possible. Please send these documents directly to the Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of English, either as filled PDFs or in hard copy to the following address: Director of Graduate Studies Department of English: MC 4503 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale Carbondale, IL 62901 Personal Statement: All applicants to the MA, MFA, and Ph.D. programs must submit a detailed Statement of Purpose for admission to the Department of English at SIUC. The statement consists of one or more double-spaced, typed pages (350-700 words) that address the questions below. These questions do not have to be answered in order or in equal detail. The Graduate Studies Committee views the statement of purpose as a chance for applicants to detail their future projects and intellectual interests as well as how department faculty can assist in developing these projects and interests. Although the committee is interested in applicants’ broader career goals, it is most interested in their specific literary, rhetorical, and creative interests. • In what aspect of literary or rhetorical studies are you interested? Do you have an interest in any specific literary period, critical or theoretical approach, or research topic? Do you have a research or creative project in mind? (MFA applicants: Also see the next section and direct your responses to reflect your creative writing interests and goals) Will you be able to satisfy these interests with the current English curricula at SIUC? What background (i.e., course training, professional or academic experience) prepares you to study English at the graduate level? • Additional questions for MFA applicants only: Why are you seeking a degree in creative writing? What do you hope to gain from such a degree program? Which poets or writers, beyond the writers you have studied with as an undergraduate student, do you cite as influences upon your own writing? • Why have you selected the English Department at SIUC? Do you, for instance, want to work with specific faculty? Are you attracted to specific programs or course offerings? • If you are applying for a graduate assistantship, please discuss your interests in teaching. Do you, for instance, have any training in teaching? Do you envision a career in teaching, if so, at what level? What are your career goals in the fields of English? If your goals extend to fields outside academics and teaching, please explain how an advanced degree in English helps you meet them. Recommendation Letter: Three Letters of Recommendation (at least two from professors) Writing Sample: Please submit a sample of our best creative work. For fiction applicants: 15-30 pages of fiction. For poetry applicants: 10-15 pages of poetry. Please submit a clean copy of your writing sample, one without teacher comments or grade.

专业名称 学位类型 专业方向 学制 开课时间 开课类型
农业(Agriculture) 本科 农林 48个月 8月 9月 全日制
农业产业经济学(Agribusiness?Economics) 本科 农林 48个月 8月 9月 全日制
农业系统与教育(Agricultural Systems and Education) 本科 农林 48个月 8月 9月 全日制
农业系统与教育-一般农业(Agricultural Systems and Education-General Agriculture) 本科 农林 48个月 8月 9月 全日制
农业系统与教育-农业产品管理(Agricultural Systems and Education-Agriculture Production Management) 本科 农林 48个月 8月 9月 全日制
农业系统与教育-农业传播方向(Agricultural Systems and Education-Agricultural Communications) 本科 农林 48个月 8月 9月 全日制
农业系统与教育-农业教育方向(Agricultural Systems and Education-Agricultural Education) 本科 农林 48个月 8月 9月 全日制
农业系统与教育-农业系统技术管理(Agricultural Systems and Education-Agricultural Systems Technology?Management) 本科 农林 48个月 8月 9月 全日制
农业系统与教育-食品加工工程技术(Agricultural Systems and Education-Food and Process Engineering Technology) 本科 农林 48个月 8月 9月 全日制
动物学-渔业生物学方向(Zoology-Fisheries Biology) 本科 农林 48个月 8月 9月 全日制
  • Q:南伊利诺伊大学卡本代尔分校网址是什么?
  • A:  立思辰留学360介绍:南伊利诺伊大学卡本代尔分校(Southern Illinois University, Carbondale)位于美国伊利诺伊州的卡本代尔。学院建立于1869年,是一所以研究,教学闻名国际的综合性的州立大学。学院优质的教育在2006年获得美国新闻与世界报道排名为全国第四级的学校。校内含有20个研究中心,并获得卡耐基博士研究认证。学院被普林斯顿评论评为全美最好,且最有价值的学校之一。   学校官网:www.siuc.edu
  • Q:2017年南伊利诺伊大学卡本代尔分校如何?
  • A:   南伊利诺伊大学卡本代尔分校(Southern Illinois University, Carbondale)位于美国伊利诺伊州的卡本代尔。学院建立于1869年,是一所以研究,教学闻名国际的综合性的州立大学。学院优质的教育在2006年获得美国新闻与世界报道排名为全国第四级的学校。校内含有20个研究中心,并获得卡耐基博士研究认证。学院被普林斯顿评论评为全美最好,且最有价值的学校之一。   学校的商学院排名为全美最好的商学院,财经系名列全美前5%,而法学院的法学研究在184间学校中名列第22名。学校的艺术学院经常排在全美前50名之内。南伊利诺斯大学卡本代尔分校设有农学院,理工学院,农学院,文学院,法学院与商学院。学院设有94个大学学位,60余个硕士学位及27个博士学位。学院的热门专业包括:会计,企管,财务,商业经济,行销及管理。学院最具特色的科系为飞行管理,并拥有自己的机场来从事机师训练。除此之外,通讯及MBA课程也颇为突出。
  • Q:南伊利诺伊大学卡本代尔分校怎么样?
  • A:  立思辰留学360介绍:南伊利诺伊大学卡本代尔分校(Southern Illinois University, Carbondale)位于美国伊利诺伊州的卡本代尔。学院建立于1869年,是一所以研究,教学闻名国际的综合性的州立大学。学院优质的教育在2006年获得美国新闻与世界报道排名为全国第四级的学校。校内含有20个研究中心,并获得卡耐基博士研究认证。学院被普林斯顿评论评为全美最好,且最有价值的学校之一。   英文名称:Southern Illinois University, Carbondale   中文名称:南伊利诺斯大学卡本代尔分校   建校年代:1869年   所在州:伊利诺伊州   所在城市:Carbondale   学生人数:18847人   提供学位类型:本科(IELTS 6.0)、硕士(IELTS 6.5[法学院*硕士、博士:接受,分数要求请联系学校])、博士、副学士(Associate)、文凭课程(Certificate)五种学位类型。
  • Q:2017年南伊利诺伊大学卡本代尔分校留学怎么样?
  • A:   南伊利诺伊大学卡本代尔分校(Southern Illinois University, Carbondale)位于美国伊利诺伊州的卡本代尔。学院建立于1869年,是一所以研究,教学闻名国际的综合性的州立大学。学院优质的教育在2006年获得美国新闻与世界报道排名为全国第四级的学校。校内含有20个研究中心,并获得卡耐基博士研究认证。学院被普林斯顿评论评为全美最好,且最有价值的学校之一。   学校的商学院排名为全美最好的商学院,财经系名列全美前5%,而法学院的法学研究在184间学校中名列第22名。学校的艺术学院经常排在全美前50名之内。南伊利诺斯大学卡本代尔分校设有农学院,理工学院,农学院,文学院,法学院与商学院。学院设有94个大学学位,60余个硕士学位及27个博士学位。学院的热门专业包括:会计,企管,财务,商业经济,行销及管理。学院最具特色的科系为飞行管理,并拥有自己的机场来从事机师训练。除此之外,通讯及MBA课程也颇为突出。
  • Q:我明年高中毕业,想要去南伊利诺伊大学卡本代尔分校学习教育相关的专业,请问学校都开设了哪些课程?
  • A:南伊利诺伊大学卡本代尔分校设有农学院,理工学院,农学院,文学院,法学院与商学院。学院设有94个大学学位,60余个硕士学位及27个博士学位。学院的热门专业包括:会计,企管,财务,商业经济,行销及管理。学院最具特色的科系为飞行管理,并拥有自己的机场来从事机师训练。除此之外,通讯及MBA课程也颇为突出。