Woodville High School opened in 1915, and is still operating on the same site 97 years later.
Its diverse cultural mix gives the school its unique character as well as a long tradition of producing proud scholars in a proud community.
Throughout its history the school has developed a proud tradition of academic achievements. The school provides a comprehensive music and sporting program and has achieved high success in these activities.
Today the school is a large and complex educational organisation which delivers a range of educational programs to students in Years 8-12 and beyond.
The strength of our school lies in the confidence, vitality and improvement of our students and staff.
Our key values of diversity, creativity and success underpin all that we do at Woodville High School. Our values of honesty, respect for others and taking responsibility for one's own actions are demonstrated in everyday practice at the School.
The partnership of students, home, school and community has brought success for students in achieving both personal best as well as high standards at a state and national level.
At Woodville High School each student has the opportunity to excel in formal learning. The co-curricular provides for opportunities in sport, performing arts, public speaking, personal development and community services.
We are proud of our past achievements and of our traditions and we are optimistic of the future because of the diligence, integrity and involvement of the students, staff, parents/caregivers and the community in our school.
师生比:1:11国际学生比例:1:8本科生数:7,274人 男女比:34:66在校学生数:1,050研究生数:11,072人
1、斯克兰顿大学(美国斯克兰顿大学,The University of Scranton)连续被《美国新闻与世界报道》为北部十佳研究生学位大学,而其所在区域是这项调查最大也是最具竞争力的区域。
为学生们提供学士学位、硕士学位以及博士学位,专业设置广泛,开设的主要专业包括:美洲研究、人类学、亚洲语言、生物科学、化学、古典文学、交流学、比较文学、戏剧、地球科学、亚洲研究、工程、经济学、英语、历史、国际关系、数学、音乐、哲学、心理学、宗教研究、象征系统学、计算机科学、化学工程、土木工程、电气工程、机械工程学、工程物理学、环境工程、生物工程、计算机系统工程 、产品设计、城市研究、建筑设计、数学及计算机科学、航空航天、能源资源工程、管理学与工程、材料科学与工程、生物力学工程、地质工程学与水文学等等