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Princeton University
Princeton University, 88 College Rd. West, Princeton, NJ, 08544 USA,
最古老大学 学生人数少 常春藤盟校 精英机构 最富大学
  • 建校时间:1746 年
  • 学校类型:私立
  • 学生总数:8138
  • 毕业率:71.6%
  • 男女比例:13:12
  • 就业率:89.9%
  • 优势专业:工程类专业 历史专业 社会学专业 经济学专业
院校简介 本科申请 研究生申请 专业设置 院校排名 院校问答


  普林斯顿(Princeton University):美国将专业深造与全面发展结合的最好的大学之一







  支持雅思成绩申请;排名第一; 私立综合性大学;提供奖学金;东北部,远离都市喧嚣;



  普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)是全美第五历史悠久的高等学府,前四名分别是哈佛大学,威廉玛丽学院,耶鲁大学和宾夕法尼亚大学。同时,普林斯顿大学也是八所常青藤盟校之一,常年位居各机构美国大学排名Top10。


  普林斯顿大学有4个学院, 设置32个系,其中:





  Jonathan Safran Foer - author

  Andrea Jung - CEO, Avon Products

  Wendy Kopp - Founder, Teach for America

  Michelle Robinson Obama - First Lady of the United States

  Eric E. Schmidt - Executive Chairman, Google

  Sonia Sotomayor - Supreme Court Justice

  Woodrow Wilson - President of the United States

  Chris Young - Pitcher, New York Mets



  普林斯顿大学最显著的特色就是其紧密结合的住宿社区。学校6座住宿学院为所有本科学生保证住宿,其中3座是四年制:Butler,Mathey,Whitman。3座是两年制:Wilson,Rockefeller,Forbes。 Butler由8座宿舍楼组成,最早的一座始建于1915年,其后经不断扩建形成了现在的规模。其中包括休闲小聚的咖啡馆和一个艺术展览馆。 Mathey与Rockefeller算是姐妹学院,共享学校最美丽又最有历史的Edwards Hall和Blair Hall,两者建于19世纪末。 Whitman是以著名商界领袖Meg Whitman的名字命名的,学院内含有剧院,影音室,自习室,活动室等大范围的活动空间,给予学生充分的自由度。 Wilson以其多样化的设施著称,包括音乐厅、舞蹈练功房、艺术厅、瑜伽练习室、剧场,甚至是有乒乓球和桌上足球设备的娱乐室。 Forbes内含餐厅,咖啡馆,会议室,自习室,图书馆,棋牌室,剧院,音乐厅,洗衣房等。 每个住宿学院里都有学监以及专门负责学生学习和生活的导师,为学生提供帮助。一二年级的学生最好尽可能多的与学院里的学术导师交流,以便获得更多的关于自身发展的信息。


  而在用餐方面,学校也为学生们提供了丰富的选择。大多新生和二年级学生选择在居住地区附近的餐饮部用餐,也有不少学生喜欢从学校的其他地方带饭吃,比如犹太餐厅等等。当然可以选择在公寓内与朋友一起用餐。学校也有不少小吃店和咖啡馆,像Woodrow Wilson Café,Chancellor Green Café都是不错的去处。


  普林斯顿大学的学生在文化、教育、运动和社会生活上有很大的选择余地。对于留学生来说,积极参与校园活动是融入大学的最快方法。学校校园生活在“鼓励和尊重每一个人来展示他的天赋,成为多元化校园中的一员”的理念下,经过长时间发展,让每一个在普林斯顿大学有过学习经历的学生都终生难忘。 每年秋天的开学庆典是让不同种族、信仰的同学交流的好机会,同时也是每一学年开始的标志。一年之中,像马丁・路德・金纪念日、国际艺术节、社区大学庆典等节日,让来自五湖四海的同学们聚到一起,纵情畅谈。每一学年末,都会有诸如校友日、毕业证书颁发仪式等大型活动在学校主楼Nassau Hall举行。 学校内的学生组织由学生们自由发起,并且会受到学生主管办公室的大力支持。大约有300个学生团体,涵盖舞蹈、电影、广播、传媒、音乐、喜剧、社会服务、政治团体、学生政府、辩论、教育、宗教等方面,为有志于发展课余爱好、追求心中理想的同学提供了良好契机。在安全与健康方面,学校始终致力于维持和加强学生们的身体、心理、情感上的健康,并帮助他们达到学习和个人/家庭生活上的平衡。普林斯顿大学还是美国大学体育总会的一级学校,有35支俱乐部参与38项体育赛事的角逐,为热爱体育运动的学生提供了广阔的机遇。而对于希望运动健身的同学,校内也有300多支队伍可供选择,是学习之余放松心情锻炼身体的不二选择。 学校鼓励学生参与公民生活和公共事务,学校内还流传着一条非官方的校训:为国家服务,为世界服务。(In the Nation‘s Service and in the Service of All Nations.)不论是参与学校公共项目的建设,还是在非营利性组织或者政府、国际组织中参与志愿活动,都十分有利于学生的成长,让他们成为真正意义上的公民。 在宗教生活方面,普利斯顿大学是无宗派的,并且尊重和接受宗教传统。学生们可以自由地加入各种宗教团体,并且宗教信仰和宗教信徒都会得到学监的支持。学校的教堂也是信徒们的常去之地。在这里学生们可以参与宗教、信仰、社会等方面的学习与讨论。博爱、自由、兼容并包是学校的一贯传统。











  普林斯顿小镇交通方便,普林斯顿大学在纽约和费城中间,距离这两个城市都不远,分别只需大约1小时车程。 公交:从普林斯顿可以乘坐606路车到新泽西州历史名镇劳伦斯维尔,到新泽西州的首府特伦顿,到汉密尔顿镇的火车站转车,或是乘车到罗宾斯维尔的商业中心逛逛;而乘坐605路可到沃尔玛大型购物中心买日常所需。 火车:通常乘火车去纽约,往返票三十美元左右。由于纽约的地铁网非常发达,到了纽约乘地铁就可以到纽约的任何地方。在普林斯顿坐火车还可以直接到机场,方便快捷。 自行车:其实在普林斯顿大学生活学习最常用的交通工具还是自行车,到图书馆、餐厅、教学楼采用步行的方式往往感觉很慢,这里和清华大学很像,学生们常常骑自行车出行。在大型超市里就能买到自行车,价格也不贵,便宜的八十多美元,贵的三百多美元。这里还有自行车俱乐部,定期有免费的维修自行车活动、车友会、义卖会。积极地参与这些活动,一定会有很好的收获,常常会淘到很不错的车子。不少车子售价低是因为学生毕业了,只好低价处理。卖车的同学认为好处有三:一是免除了携带困难的烦恼,二是自己能得到一笔现金路上用,三是给别的同学提供了方便。皆大欢喜,何乐而不为呢。 校车:如果还没有来得及选到自己中意的自行车,出行可以考虑乘坐几种校内车,校内车有固定的时刻表。普林斯顿大学这里还有专车服务,可以根据自己的需要订车。 出租车:打车也是可行的,但价格会比较贵。 机场/接机信息: ACSSPU将会组织接机,只有个别同学的话由volunteer去接,如果多人一起过来,就要租bus了。无论是几个人一起来还是一个人来,要是选择ACSSPU接机的话,一定要至少提前一周给acsspu@princeton.edu发email, 告知姓名、人数、航班号、时间、降落的机场、行李数,以便接机。在来美国之前要带一些美元(最好有一些硬币,要25美分的,quarter),这样下了飞机以后,如果找不到来接机的师兄师姐,可以和ACSSPU联系(机场应该有投硬币的电话),来之前也要在邮件里问好负责接机同学的联系方式。离普林斯顿最近的机场是Newark International Airport (EWR),开车也要50分钟时间,这个是最方便接机的地方,建议大家飞到这里。Newark有continental airlines的航班,有北京、上海、香港到Newark的直飞,continental的飞机一般也最便宜。另外,费城机场PHL也还可以,一个小时时间,不过那里一般没有从国内直飞的航班。更远的有JFK, LGA等,而这些机场进行接机的话并不方便,所以最好避免。


  除交通方便外,普林斯顿驻扎着很多大公司方便学生寻找实习机会。诸如AT&T,Lucent贝尔验室(Bell Lab),Mobil美孚,NEC,以及教育训练及测试中心ETS等皆设立于此。


  普林斯顿大学校内治安良好,出入宿舍须持ID卡,宿舍楼内和学校各个路口都有监控覆盖,确保安全。24小时保安都处于待命状态,随时准备处理突发事件。同时学校定期会向学生的邮箱中发送一些安全Tips,让学生注意保持警惕。图书馆一般都开到夜里两三点,有的馆甚至24小时开放。由于图书馆关门晚,学生从图书馆回驻地就存在安全隐患。学校提供了safe walk服务,可以让警卫护送你回宿舍。该校所在位置属于郊区,该区域的毒品/枪支犯罪率(每千人)为4.35。



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  2015 U.S.News美国研究生历史专业排名 - 第1名

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  2015 U.S.News美国研究生社会政策专业排名 - 第1名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生经济学专业排名 - 第1名

  2015 U.S.News美国综合大学排名 - 第1名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生数学专业排名 - 第1名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生政治专业排名 - 第2名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生金融工程专业排名 - 第2名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生物理学专业排名 - 第2名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生英文专业排名 - 第4名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生语言专业排名 - 第4名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生文学专业排名 - 第4名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生公共政策研究专业排名 - 第5名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生公共事务专业排名 - 第5名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生土木工程专业排名 - 第7名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生化学工程专业排名 - 第7名

  2015 泰晤士报高等教育世界大学排名 - 第7名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生心理学专业排名 - 第7名

  2015 泰晤士世界大学声誉排行榜 - 第7名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生计算机科学专业排名 - 第8名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生机械工程专业排名 - 第8名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生航天/航空/宇航专业排名 - 第9名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生电子/电气/通讯工程专业排名 - 第9名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生生物科学专业排名 - 第9名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生地球科学专业排名 - 第11名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生计算机工程专业排名 - 第11名

  2015 U.S.News全球大学排名 - 第13名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生化学专业排名 - 第15名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生建筑学专业排名 - 第15名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生工程类专业排名 - 第17名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生环境/环境健康工程专业排名 - 第25名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生人类学专业排名 - 第26名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生等离子物理学专业排名 - 第1名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生政治专业排名 - 第1名

  2014 U.S.News美国综合大学排名 - 第1名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生解析数学专业排名 - 第1名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生宇宙天体学/相对论/地心引力专业排名 - 第1名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生经济学专业排名 - 第1名

  2014 慷慨提供奖学金/助学金的学校排行 - 第1名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生国际经济学专业排名 - 第2名

  2014 最美校园排行 - 第2名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生数学专业排名 - 第2名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生代数/算术理论/代数几何学专业排名 - 第2名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生微观经济学专业排名 - 第3名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生劳动经济学专业排名 - 第3名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生社会科学专业排名 - 第3名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生拓扑学专业排名 - 第3名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生基本粒子/场/弦理论专业排名 - 第3名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生离散数学和组合数学专业排名 - 第3名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生几何学专业排名 - 第3名

  2014 最有价值私立学校 - 第4名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生公共事业专业排名 - 第4名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生公共金融学专业排名 - 第4名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生计算机理论专业排名 - 第4名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生发展经济学专业排名 - 第5名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生计量经济学专业排名 - 第5名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生宏观经济学专业排名 - 第5名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生物理学专业排名 - 第5名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生化学工程专业排名 - 第6名

  2014 上海交大世界大学学术排名 - 第6名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生航天/航空/宇航专业排名 - 第7名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生地球物理学和地震学专业排名 - 第7名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生编程语言专业排名 - 第7名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生生物科学专业排名 - 第7名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生量子物理学专业排名 - 第7名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生应用数学专业排名 - 第7名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生凝聚态物理专业排名 - 第8名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生计算机科学专业排名 - 第8名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生心理学专业排名 - 第8名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生产业化组织专业排名 - 第8名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生地球科学专业排名 - 第9名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生生态学专业排名 - 第9名

  2014 QS世界大学排名 - 第9名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生机械工程专业排名 - 第10名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生分子生物学专业排名 - 第10名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生遗传学/基因学/生物信息学专业排名 - 第10名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生计算机工程专业排名 - 第11名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生电子/电气/通讯工程专业排名 - 第11名

  2014 U.S.News美国大学本科工程学排名 - 第12名

  2014 最佳校园图书馆排行 - 第15名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生化学专业排名 - 第16名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生数学专业排名 - 第17名

  2013 U.S.News美国综合大学排名 - 第1名

  2013 泰晤士报高等教育世界大学排名 - 第6名

  2013 QS世界大学排名 - 第10名

  2013 U.S.News美国大学本科工程学排名 - 第12名

  2012 上海交大世界大学学术排名 - 第7名


师生比:1:5国际学生比例:1:8本科生数:5250 男女比:13:12在校学生数:8138研究生数:2705



  普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)是全美第五历史悠久的高等学府,前四名分别是哈佛大学,威廉玛丽学院,耶鲁大学和宾夕法尼亚大学。同时,普林斯顿大学也是八所常青藤盟校之一,常年位居各机构美国大学排名Top10。


  普林斯顿大学有4个学院, 设置32个系,其中:







为学生们提供学士学位、硕士学位以及博士学位,专业设置广泛,开设的主要专业包括:美洲研究、人类学、亚洲语言、生物科学、化学、古典文学、交流学、比较文学、戏剧、地球科学、亚洲研究、工程、经济学、英语、历史、国际关系、数学、音乐、哲学、心理学、宗教研究、象征系统学、计算机科学、化学工程、土木工程、电气工程、机械工程学、工程物理学、环境工程、生物工程、计算机系统工程 、产品设计、城市研究、建筑设计、数学及计算机科学、航空航天、能源资源工程、管理学与工程、材料科学与工程、生物力学工程、地质工程学与水文学等等





  • 本科学生数:5250
  • 本科录取率:6.5%
  • 本科申请人数:10,114
  • 申请截止时间:3月1日;EA:11月15日
  • 总花费:$59,594
  • 申请费:$90
  • 学费:$42,162
  • 住宿费:$14,264
  • 生活费:$4,260
专业名称 学位类型 学制 开学时间 费用 申请要求 申请材料
东亚研究-学士BA BA in East Asian Studies 本科 9月 37000美元/学年 托福:100 雅思:
1、申请表 2、学历证明及成绩单 3、托福成绩 4、推荐信
人类学-学士BA BA in Anthropology 本科 9月 37000美元/学年 托福:100 雅思:
1、申请表 2、学历证明及成绩单 3、托福成绩 4、推荐信
化学-学士BA BA in Chemistry 本科 9月 37000美元/学年 托福:100 雅思:
1、申请表 2、学历证明及成绩单 3、托福成绩 4、推荐信
古典文学-学士BA BA in Classics 本科 9月 37000美元/学年 托福:100 雅思:
1、申请表 2、学历证明及成绩单 3、托福成绩 4、推荐信
土木与环境工程-学士BSE B.S.E. in Civil and Environmental Engineering 本科 9月 37000美元/学年 托福:100 雅思:
1、申请表 2、学历证明及成绩单 3、托福成绩 4、推荐信
地理科学-学士BA BA in Geosciences 本科 9月 37000美元/学年 托福:100 雅思:
1、申请表 2、学历证明及成绩单 3、托福成绩 4、推荐信
物理学-学士BA BA in Physics 本科 9月 37000美元/学年 托福:100 雅思:
1、申请表 2、学历证明及成绩单 3、托福成绩 4、推荐信
经济学-学士BA BA in Economics 本科 9月 37000美元/学年 托福:100 雅思:
1、申请表 2、学历证明及成绩单 3、托福成绩 4、推荐信
艺术与考古学-学士BA BA in Art and Archaeology 本科 9月 37000美元/学年 托福:100 雅思:
1、申请表 2、学历证明及成绩单 3、托福成绩 4、推荐信
计算机科学-学士BA BA in Computer Science 本科 9月 37000美元/学年 托福:100 雅思:
1、申请表 2、学历证明及成绩单 3、托福成绩 4、推荐信
  • 研究生学生数:2705
  • 研究生录取率:6%
  • 研究生申请人数:38,828
  • 申请截止时间:9月9日-4月12日
  • 总花费:$102,936-178,465
  • 申请费:$125-275
  • 学费:$54,315-129,700
  • 住宿费:$20,955
  • 生活费:$26,220
专业名称 学位类型 学制 开学时间 费用 申请要求 申请材料
公共事务-硕士MPA MPA (Master of Public Affairs) 硕士 2年 秋季 托福:总分:100,口语:100,写作:100 雅思:总分:7,口语:7,写作:7
Transcript: Faculty evaluate applicants’ aptitude for courses in economic and quantitative analysis. There is no prescribed undergraduate major for the MPA degree, but familiarity with social science disciplines makes the learning curve less steep at the outset. Within the Graduate School’s electronic application you will be asked only for unofficial copies of degree transcripts to be uploaded, but WWS requires ALL transcripts from any institution you have attended. You can upload additional transcripts in the Additional Education section of the application. Study-abroad transcripts also are required unless the courses and grades are listed on your undergraduate transcript. PPIA fellows should also upload their summer program evaluations in the Additional Education section. Curriculum Vitae: Your résumé should be one to two pages and provide a list of your employment activities, community service, education, academic and professional honors. A brief annotation of job responsibilities, leadership and awards is helpful. Personal Statement: Your personal statement should showcase your strengths and provide an overview of your background, goals, academic and professional aspirations, and a commitment to public service. The personal statement should be approximately two to four pages. If you wish to address any weaknesses in your application, it is better to write a separate, succinct, fact-based explanation as an addendum. Recommendation Letter: The electronic application asks for three academic letters of recommendation; however, WWS requires that at least one letter should be professional and one should be academic. The third should come from a faculty member, administrator or professional who can comment on your commitment to public service. Be sure that writers of references understand your reasons for applying to the Woodrow Wilson School as well as your goals and strengths. Supplemental Essay: Beyond your other application requirements, we want to get to know you on a more personal and individual basis. We would like you to answer the question, "What do you like best and least about where and how you grew up?" Your answer should be concise, 200 to 300 words, double spaced. Policy Memo: The ability to write succinct and impactful policy memos will prove useful in both academic and career settings. For the purposes of this memo, the admissions committee is less concerned about format and more interested in your professional experiences, your critical analysis of the issues and your ability to write cogently and clearly. Choose a topic to demonstrate your knowledge of an area related to your field of concentration and your professional and personal interests. Specific topics create better opportunities to demonstrate analytical skills and analysis than broader ones. The memo should be approximately four double-spaced pages and should identify a problem in domestic or international affairs, discuss the complexity of it and propose policy recommendations. Statement of Financial Resources: Financial aid is merit- and need-based for applicants to the MPA program. The FAFSA is not required, but you will need to fill out a number of financial questions as part of the application. These questions come after the section where you upload your documents, so plan accordingly.
公共管理硕士MPA/法律博士JD MPA/JD 硕士 4年 秋季 托福: 雅思:
Other Documnets: Course list. 4 page policy memo. 2 page joint degree statement. Applicants are required to select a field when applying.
化学与生物工程-硕士MEng MEng in Chemical and Biological Engineering 硕士 10个月 秋季 托福: 雅思:
Transcript: Applicants must upload a transcript including the key from all colleges or universities that you have attended. An unofficial transcript must show the name of the student, name of the issuing institution, name of courses taken, and the grades received in those courses. Applicants with transcripts in languages other than English will need to upload an English translation along with such transcripts. If you have sealed copies of your transcript, open, scan, and upload them. Transcripts should be scanned in black and white at a maximum resolution of 300dpi and no larger than 10MB. At the time of application, nothing needs to be mailed to the admission office. If you are offered admission and accept our offer, you will be required to have final official transcripts submitted from every college or university from which you have earned a degree.Please mail these materials to: Princeton University Graduate Admission ATTN: Portfolio One Clio Hall Princeton, NJ 08544 Curriculum Vitae: Applicants will be required to upload a resume or curriculum vitae with the admission application in the space provided. Resumes or curricula vitae should include employment, activities, community service, education, and academic or professional honors. Applicants should be sure to review the final resume or curriculum vitae before uploading it and submitting an admission application. If you have submitted your application and need to revise your resume or curriculum vitae, you may upload the corrected version through your checklist if it is before the deadline. After the deadline, no revised resume of curriculum vitae will be accepted. Personal Statement: Applicants will be required to upload a statement of academic purpose with the admission application in the space provided. Please write a statement of your current academic and future career plans as they relate to the Princeton department to which you are applying. In doing so, please cite relevant academic, professional and personal experiences that influenced your decision to apply for graduate admission and to obtain a graduate degree. Your statement should not exceed 1,000 words and must be written in English. Please be sure to review your final statement before uploading it and submitting your admission application. If you have submitted your application and need to revise your statement of academic purpose, you may upload the corrected version through your checklist if it is before the deadline. After the deadline, no revised statement of academic purpose will be accepted. Recommendation Letter: In order to apply for admission to the Graduate School, you must supply three electronic letters of recommendation. The letters must be written in English and come from faculty members or other individuals well acquainted with your academic work. Applicants to the Woodrow Wilson School M.P.A. and M.P.P. programs must have one professional letter in addition to one academic reference letter. The third letter should come from a faculty member, administrator or professional who can comment on your commitment to public service. The letters of recommendation must be submitted using our electronic recommendation service as part of your admission application. You will be required to register your recommenders' email addresses within the application. Recommenders will then receive an email with directions on how to proceed. We suggest you register your recommenders as early as possible to allow sufficient time for them to submit their letters of recommendation. You do not need to submit your application in order to register your recommenders. You should not wait to submit your application because of pending letters. If your recommender uses a letter service (e.g., Interfolio) you will still need to provide your recommender's information in the admission application. Each recommender's email must be unique. If two or more of your recommenders use the same letter service, your recommendation letters may be uploaded as a group under one of the recommenders you have registered. This is completely acceptable; however, it will not be reflected on your checklist. The Graduate Admission team suggests that you confirm with the letter service that they submitted all the letters you requested from them. Statement of Financial Resources: Statement of Financial Resources: for M.S.E. and M.Eng. applicants only
土木与环境工程-硕士MSE MSE in Civil and Environmental Engineering 硕士 2年 秋季 37000美元/学年 托福:100 雅思:
Transcript: Applicants must upload a transcript including the key from all colleges or universities that you have attended. An unofficial transcript must show the name of the student, name of the issuing institution, name of courses taken, and the grades received in those courses. Applicants with transcripts in languages other than English will need to upload an English translation along with such transcripts. If you have sealed copies of your transcript, open, scan, and upload them. Transcripts should be scanned in black and white at a maximum resolution of 300dpi and no larger than 10MB. At the time of application, nothing needs to be mailed to the admission office. If you are offered admission and accept our offer, you will be required to have final official transcripts submitted from every college or university from which you have earned a degree.Please mail these materials to: Princeton University Graduate Admission ATTN: Portfolio One Clio Hall Princeton, NJ 08544 Curriculum Vitae: Applicants will be required to upload a resume or curriculum vitae with the admission application in the space provided. Resumes or curricula vitae should include employment, activities, community service, education, and academic or professional honors. Applicants should be sure to review the final resume or curriculum vitae before uploading it and submitting an admission application. If you have submitted your application and need to revise your resume or curriculum vitae, you may upload the corrected version through your checklist if it is before the deadline. After the deadline, no revised resume of curriculum vitae will be accepted. Personal Statement: Applicants will be required to upload a statement of academic purpose with the admission application in the space provided. Please write a statement of your current academic and future career plans as they relate to the Princeton department to which you are applying. In doing so, please cite relevant academic, professional and personal experiences that influenced your decision to apply for graduate admission and to obtain a graduate degree. Your statement should not exceed 1,000 words and must be written in English. Please be sure to review your final statement before uploading it and submitting your admission application. If you have submitted your application and need to revise your statement of academic purpose, you may upload the corrected version through your checklist if it is before the deadline. After the deadline, no revised statement of academic purpose will be accepted. Recommendation Letter: In order to apply for admission to the Graduate School, you must supply three electronic letters of recommendation. The letters must be written in English and come from faculty members or other individuals well acquainted with your academic work. Applicants to the Woodrow Wilson School M.P.A. and M.P.P. programs must have one professional letter in addition to one academic reference letter. The third letter should come from a faculty member, administrator or professional who can comment on your commitment to public service. The letters of recommendation must be submitted using our electronic recommendation service as part of your admission application. You will be required to register your recommenders' email addresses within the application. Recommenders will then receive an email with directions on how to proceed. We suggest you register your recommenders as early as possible to allow sufficient time for them to submit their letters of recommendation. You do not need to submit your application in order to register your recommenders. You should not wait to submit your application because of pending letters. If your recommender uses a letter service (e.g., Interfolio) you will still need to provide your recommender's information in the admission application. Each recommender's email must be unique. If two or more of your recommenders use the same letter service, your recommendation letters may be uploaded as a group under one of the recommenders you have registered. This is completely acceptable; however, it will not be reflected on your checklist. The Graduate Admission team suggests that you confirm with the letter service that they submitted all the letters you requested from them.
工程与应用科学-硕士MS M.S.E. in Engineering and Applied Science 硕士 9月 37000美元/学年 托福:100 雅思:
1、申请表 2、学历证明及成绩单 3、托福成绩 4、推荐信 5、研究或工作经验证明 6、个人自述
机械与航空航天工程-硕士MEng MEng in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 硕士 2年 秋季 托福: 雅思:
Transcript: Applicants must upload a transcript including the key from all colleges or universities that you have attended. An unofficial transcript must show the name of the student, name of the issuing institution, name of courses taken, and the grades received in those courses. Applicants with transcripts in languages other than English will need to upload an English translation along with such transcripts. If you have sealed copies of your transcript, open, scan, and upload them. Transcripts should be scanned in black and white at a maximum resolution of 300dpi and no larger than 10MB. At the time of application, nothing needs to be mailed to the admission office. If you are offered admission and accept our offer, you will be required to have final official transcripts submitted from every college or university from which you have earned a degree.Please mail these materials to: Princeton University Graduate Admission ATTN: Portfolio One Clio Hall Princeton, NJ 08544 Curriculum Vitae: Applicants will be required to upload a resume or curriculum vitae with the admission application in the space provided. Resumes or curricula vitae should include employment, activities, community service, education, and academic or professional honors. Applicants should be sure to review the final resume or curriculum vitae before uploading it and submitting an admission application. If you have submitted your application and need to revise your resume or curriculum vitae, you may upload the corrected version through your checklist if it is before the deadline. After the deadline, no revised resume of curriculum vitae will be accepted. Personal Statement: Applicants will be required to upload a statement of academic purpose with the admission application in the space provided. Please write a statement of your current academic and future career plans as they relate to the Princeton department to which you are applying. In doing so, please cite relevant academic, professional and personal experiences that influenced your decision to apply for graduate admission and to obtain a graduate degree. Your statement should not exceed 1,000 words and must be written in English. Please be sure to review your final statement before uploading it and submitting your admission application. If you have submitted your application and need to revise your statement of academic purpose, you may upload the corrected version through your checklist if it is before the deadline. After the deadline, no revised statement of academic purpose will be accepted. Recommendation Letter: In order to apply for admission to the Graduate School, you must supply three electronic letters of recommendation. The letters must be written in English and come from faculty members or other individuals well acquainted with your academic work. Applicants to the Woodrow Wilson School M.P.A. and M.P.P. programs must have one professional letter in addition to one academic reference letter. The third letter should come from a faculty member, administrator or professional who can comment on your commitment to public service. The letters of recommendation must be submitted using our electronic recommendation service as part of your admission application. You will be required to register your recommenders' email addresses within the application. Recommenders will then receive an email with directions on how to proceed. We suggest you register your recommenders as early as possible to allow sufficient time for them to submit their letters of recommendation. You do not need to submit your application in order to register your recommenders. You should not wait to submit your application because of pending letters. If your recommender uses a letter service (e.g., Interfolio) you will still need to provide your recommender's information in the admission application. Each recommender's email must be unique. If two or more of your recommenders use the same letter service, your recommendation letters may be uploaded as a group under one of the recommenders you have registered. This is completely acceptable; however, it will not be reflected on your checklist. The Graduate Admission team suggests that you confirm with the letter service that they submitted all the letters you requested from them. Statement of Financial Resources: Statement of Financial Resources: for M.Eng. and M.S.E. applicants only
机械与航空航天工程-硕士MSE MSE in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 硕士 2年 秋季 托福: 雅思:
Transcript: Applicants must upload a transcript including the key from all colleges or universities that you have attended. An unofficial transcript must show the name of the student, name of the issuing institution, name of courses taken, and the grades received in those courses. Applicants with transcripts in languages other than English will need to upload an English translation along with such transcripts. If you have sealed copies of your transcript, open, scan, and upload them. Transcripts should be scanned in black and white at a maximum resolution of 300dpi and no larger than 10MB. At the time of application, nothing needs to be mailed to the admission office. If you are offered admission and accept our offer, you will be required to have final official transcripts submitted from every college or university from which you have earned a degree.Please mail these materials to: Princeton University Graduate Admission ATTN: Portfolio One Clio Hall Princeton, NJ 08544 Curriculum Vitae: Applicants will be required to upload a resume or curriculum vitae with the admission application in the space provided. Resumes or curricula vitae should include employment, activities, community service, education, and academic or professional honors. Applicants should be sure to review the final resume or curriculum vitae before uploading it and submitting an admission application. If you have submitted your application and need to revise your resume or curriculum vitae, you may upload the corrected version through your checklist if it is before the deadline. After the deadline, no revised resume of curriculum vitae will be accepted. Personal Statement: Applicants will be required to upload a statement of academic purpose with the admission application in the space provided. Please write a statement of your current academic and future career plans as they relate to the Princeton department to which you are applying. In doing so, please cite relevant academic, professional and personal experiences that influenced your decision to apply for graduate admission and to obtain a graduate degree. Your statement should not exceed 1,000 words and must be written in English. Please be sure to review your final statement before uploading it and submitting your admission application. If you have submitted your application and need to revise your statement of academic purpose, you may upload the corrected version through your checklist if it is before the deadline. After the deadline, no revised statement of academic purpose will be accepted. Recommendation Letter: In order to apply for admission to the Graduate School, you must supply three electronic letters of recommendation. The letters must be written in English and come from faculty members or other individuals well acquainted with your academic work. Applicants to the Woodrow Wilson School M.P.A. and M.P.P. programs must have one professional letter in addition to one academic reference letter. The third letter should come from a faculty member, administrator or professional who can comment on your commitment to public service. The letters of recommendation must be submitted using our electronic recommendation service as part of your admission application. You will be required to register your recommenders' email addresses within the application. Recommenders will then receive an email with directions on how to proceed. We suggest you register your recommenders as early as possible to allow sufficient time for them to submit their letters of recommendation. You do not need to submit your application in order to register your recommenders. You should not wait to submit your application because of pending letters. If your recommender uses a letter service (e.g., Interfolio) you will still need to provide your recommender's information in the admission application. Each recommender's email must be unique. If two or more of your recommenders use the same letter service, your recommendation letters may be uploaded as a group under one of the recommenders you have registered. This is completely acceptable; however, it will not be reflected on your checklist. The Graduate Admission team suggests that you confirm with the letter service that they submitted all the letters you requested from them. Statement of Financial Resources: Statement of Financial Resources: for M.Eng. and M.S.E. applicants only
运筹学与金融工程-硕士MSE MSE in Operations Research and Financial Engineering 硕士 2年 秋季 托福: 雅思:
Transcript: Applicants must upload a transcript including the key from all colleges or universities that you have attended. An unofficial transcript must show the name of the student, name of the issuing institution, name of courses taken, and the grades received in those courses. Applicants with transcripts in languages other than English will need to upload an English translation along with such transcripts. If you have sealed copies of your transcript, open, scan, and upload them. Transcripts should be scanned in black and white at a maximum resolution of 300dpi and no larger than 10MB. At the time of application, nothing needs to be mailed to the admission office. If you are offered admission and accept our offer, you will be required to have final official transcripts submitted from every college or university from which you have earned a degree.Please mail these materials to: Princeton University Graduate Admission ATTN: Portfolio One Clio Hall Princeton, NJ 08544 Curriculum Vitae: Applicants will be required to upload a resume or curriculum vitae with the admission application in the space provided. Resumes or curricula vitae should include employment, activities, community service, education, and academic or professional honors. Applicants should be sure to review the final resume or curriculum vitae before uploading it and submitting an admission application. If you have submitted your application and need to revise your resume or curriculum vitae, you may upload the corrected version through your checklist if it is before the deadline. After the deadline, no revised resume of curriculum vitae will be accepted. Personal Statement: Applicants will be required to upload a statement of academic purpose with the admission application in the space provided. Please write a statement of your current academic and future career plans as they relate to the Princeton department to which you are applying. In doing so, please cite relevant academic, professional and personal experiences that influenced your decision to apply for graduate admission and to obtain a graduate degree. Your statement should not exceed 1,000 words and must be written in English. Please be sure to review your final statement before uploading it and submitting your admission application. If you have submitted your application and need to revise your statement of academic purpose, you may upload the corrected version through your checklist if it is before the deadline. After the deadline, no revised statement of academic purpose will be accepted. Recommendation Letter: In order to apply for admission to the Graduate School, you must supply three electronic letters of recommendation. The letters must be written in English and come from faculty members or other individuals well acquainted with your academic work. Applicants to the Woodrow Wilson School M.P.A. and M.P.P. programs must have one professional letter in addition to one academic reference letter. The third letter should come from a faculty member, administrator or professional who can comment on your commitment to public service. The letters of recommendation must be submitted using our electronic recommendation service as part of your admission application. You will be required to register your recommenders' email addresses within the application. Recommenders will then receive an email with directions on how to proceed. We suggest you register your recommenders as early as possible to allow sufficient time for them to submit their letters of recommendation. You do not need to submit your application in order to register your recommenders. You should not wait to submit your application because of pending letters. If your recommender uses a letter service (e.g., Interfolio) you will still need to provide your recommender's information in the admission application. Each recommender's email must be unique. If two or more of your recommenders use the same letter service, your recommendation letters may be uploaded as a group under one of the recommenders you have registered. This is completely acceptable; however, it will not be reflected on your checklist. The Graduate Admission team suggests that you confirm with the letter service that they submitted all the letters you requested from them. Statement of Financial Resources: M.S.E. applicants are required to submit a Statement of Financial Resources.
近东研究-硕士MA MA in Near Eastern Studies 硕士 2年 秋季 托福: 雅思:
Transcript: Applicants must upload a transcript including the key from all colleges or universities that you have attended. An unofficial transcript must show the name of the student, name of the issuing institution, name of courses taken, and the grades received in those courses. Applicants with transcripts in languages other than English will need to upload an English translation along with such transcripts. If you have sealed copies of your transcript, open, scan, and upload them. Transcripts should be scanned in black and white at a maximum resolution of 300dpi and no larger than 10MB. At the time of application, nothing needs to be mailed to the admission office. If you are offered admission and accept our offer, you will be required to have final official transcripts submitted from every college or university from which you have earned a degree.Please mail these materials to: Princeton University Graduate Admission ATTN: Portfolio One Clio Hall Princeton, NJ 08544 Curriculum Vitae: Applicants will be required to upload a resume or curriculum vitae with the admission application in the space provided. Resumes or curricula vitae should include employment, activities, community service, education, and academic or professional honors. Applicants should be sure to review the final resume or curriculum vitae before uploading it and submitting an admission application. If you have submitted your application and need to revise your resume or curriculum vitae, you may upload the corrected version through your checklist if it is before the deadline. After the deadline, no revised resume of curriculum vitae will be accepted. Personal Statement: Applicants will be required to upload a statement of academic purpose with the admission application in the space provided. Please write a statement of your current academic and future career plans as they relate to the Princeton department to which you are applying. In doing so, please cite relevant academic, professional and personal experiences that influenced your decision to apply for graduate admission and to obtain a graduate degree. Your statement should not exceed 1,000 words and must be written in English. Please be sure to review your final statement before uploading it and submitting your admission application. If you have submitted your application and need to revise your statement of academic purpose, you may upload the corrected version through your checklist if it is before the deadline. After the deadline, no revised statement of academic purpose will be accepted. Recommendation Letter: In order to apply for admission to the Graduate School, you must supply three electronic letters of recommendation. The letters must be written in English and come from faculty members or other individuals well acquainted with your academic work. Applicants to the Woodrow Wilson School M.P.A. and M.P.P. programs must have one professional letter in addition to one academic reference letter. The third letter should come from a faculty member, administrator or professional who can comment on your commitment to public service. The letters of recommendation must be submitted using our electronic recommendation service as part of your admission application. You will be required to register your recommenders' email addresses within the application. Recommenders will then receive an email with directions on how to proceed. We suggest you register your recommenders as early as possible to allow sufficient time for them to submit their letters of recommendation. You do not need to submit your application in order to register your recommenders. You should not wait to submit your application because of pending letters. If your recommender uses a letter service (e.g., Interfolio) you will still need to provide your recommender's information in the admission application. Each recommender's email must be unique. If two or more of your recommenders use the same letter service, your recommendation letters may be uploaded as a group under one of the recommenders you have registered. This is completely acceptable; however, it will not be reflected on your checklist. The Graduate Admission team suggests that you confirm with the letter service that they submitted all the letters you requested from them. Writing Sample: Sample of written work is required.
金融学-硕士 Master in Finance 硕士 9月 37000美元/学年 托福:100 雅思:
1、申请表 2、学历证明及成绩单 3、托福成绩 4、推荐信 5、研究或工作经验证明 6、个人自述
  • Q:普林斯顿大学怎么样?
  • A:普林斯顿大学(Princeton University),简称普林斯顿(Princeton),是世界著名私立研究型大学,位于美国新泽西州的普林斯顿市,是八所常春藤盟校之一。学校于1746年在新泽西州伊丽莎白镇创立,是美国殖民时期第四所成立的高等教育学院,当时名为“新泽西学院”,1747年迁至新泽西州,1756年迁至风景优美的普林斯顿市(位于费城和纽约之间),并在1896年正式改名为“普林斯顿大学”。虽然其旧校名是“新泽西州学院”,但它与今天位于邻近的尤因镇(Ewing Township)的“新泽西州学院”没有任何关联。它最初是长老制的教育机构,但学校从没有跟任何宗教机构有直接的联系。
  • Q:我爷爷被美国普林斯顿大学录取了,想问一下这个学校怎么样?
  • A:原因很多。诱因一、领土控制权英格兰与法国在之前就因为领土争议而爆发过无数大大小小的矛盾。在加斯科涅省的波尔多盛产的葡萄酒,最受英格兰贵族痴迷,而因为葡萄酒与英格兰纺织业密切的贸易往来,英格兰贵族在当地已经建立的稳固的威望。此后的英法两国,为了这块香饽饽的控制权,英王爱德华一世就与法王腓力四世于1294年至1303年各自组织过一场规模巨大的战争。此外,在法国的弗兰德斯地区,尽管名义上法国国王控制着当地人,然而当地的经济命脉却几乎掌握在英格兰人手中:弗兰德斯人极其依赖羊毛,而英格兰人,恰好靠羊毛发家。为了完全掌握这个地区,两国虎视眈眈。二、法国王位的继承问题当法兰西国王查理四世无子逝世后,英王爱德华三世因为其母是法兰西的伊莎贝拉的缘故,成为法国国王的第一顺位人。让英国国王坐上法国王座,恐怕无数法国贵族都会惶恐不已吧。他们临时创造了一条新法令:法国国王的继承权不能通过女性而获得。于是,瓦卢瓦的腓力成为新法王。被排除在外的爱德华三世,终于于1337年以此为借口开战。三、两国武德盛行在当时的英法两国,上至国王、贵族,下至士兵、百姓,人人都以骑士精神为荣。他们好战,崇尚勇武。战争过程第一阶段(1337~1360)的英格兰在法国境内势如破竹,克雷西战役、普瓦提埃战役时,英格兰长弓手让骄傲的法兰西骑士们颜面扫地。法国国王本人被擒获,法国被迫签订不平等条约,割让出卢瓦尔河以南至比利牛斯山脉的全部领土,同时需要向英格兰交付赎金。战争的第二阶段(1369~1380),阴沉的理查二世取代好战分子爱德华三世后,英格兰在之前获得的胜利果实荡然无存。法王查理五世整顿军队,在蒙铁儿战役大败英军。由此,英格兰在法国占领的海外领土全数丢失。随后的第三阶段(1415~1424),亨利五世于阿金库尔战役中取得大捷,亨利五世成为法国摄政王,迎娶瓦卢瓦的凯瑟琳。此后不久,亨利五世暴毙身亡。终于,战争的第四阶段(1424~1453),法国人的命运被一个农家女所救。圣女贞德稳定了法国军队,多次打败英格兰人,将法兰西皇太子(法国王位继承人专有名词)推上王位,是为查理七世。于公元1453年时,英格兰人再一次将在法国占领的土地全数丢失。此时的英格兰,国王是软弱的亨利六世,在国内深陷玫瑰战争中。在这场耗资无数的百年战争中,双方都是失败者,英格兰在法国的领土于战争结束时仅剩加莱港口一地;而法兰西,则深受战火伤害,因为大部分战争都是在法国境内开展的。于此同时,欧洲流行的黑死病,更给双方带来了无法估量的损失。
  • Q:南京大学,清华大学和普林斯顿大学的综合实力谁更胜一筹?
  • A:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,主体是英格兰,所以习惯上称英国(英国本来是英格兰王国的简称),是由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰组成的联合王国。苏格兰历史上是一个独立王国,被英格兰占领并统治时间长达数百年,为反对英格兰的占领,曾发动过2次独立战争,1707年被英格兰王国合并。苏格兰虽然在外交、军事、金融、宏观经济政策等事务受到英国管辖,但在内部立法、行政管理上,拥有很大程度的自治空间。1258年,威尔士公国正式成立。1282年后,威尔士被置入英格兰的支配之下。1536年,威尔士和英格兰签署《联合法案》,威尔士自此正式和英格兰统合。威尔士虽然和英格兰统合,但威尔士人始终有很强的自国认同感。1997年,威尔士通过国民投票决定设立自己的议会。爱尔兰人信天主教,属于凯尔特人,是欧洲大陆第一代居民的子嗣,1169年开始遭到英格兰入侵,1541年起英王成为爱尔兰国王,1916年都柏林爆发了反抗大英帝国殖民统治的复活节起义,1921年12月6日,双方签订《英爱条约》,爱尔兰独立。但以英国后裔为主和新教为主的北部6郡拒绝独立,选择继续留在英国,以地区的地位加入英国,即北爱尔兰。
  • Q:去普林斯顿大学就读是怎样一种体验?
  • A:在这一榜单上,中国占据压倒性优势。具体排名:NO.10 乒乓球瓷娃娃(日本)——福原爱(身高155cm,体重46公斤)福原爱,1988年出生,是日本历史上年龄最小的国家队成员(12岁)。2004年参加雅典奥运会,是日本历史上参加奥运会年龄最小的选手。2007年获得奥地利公开赛双打冠军。2011年参加2011赛季中国乒乓球超级联赛,代表广东出战。2012年参加伦敦奥运会,并获得女子乒乓球团体亚军。2016年参加第53届世乒赛团体赛,获得女子乒乓球团体亚军。 2016获得里约奥运会乒乓球女单第4名。2017年1月1日,福原爱与江宏杰在台北举办结婚典礼,成为中国媳妇。这姑娘是中日两国人民看着长大的,长相可爱,总是笑眯眯,用一口流利的东北普通话,成功地打入了中国人民内部,最终也嫁入了中国。不知道日本群众看着自己的乒乓球天才留在中国到底是一种什么感受。倒也不至于担心我们惦记着福原爱的乒乓球技艺。NO.9 冰雪女王(韩国)——金妍儿(身高164cm,体重47公斤)金妍儿,1990年出生,韩国花滑史上第一位集冬奥会、世锦赛、大奖赛、总决赛、四大洲赛、世青赛冠军于一身的女单大满贯得主。这是第一位职业生涯所有比赛未下领奖台的女单选手,作为罕有的能成功驾驭不同音乐类型的全面性选手,她凭借冰场上的首屈一指的技术难度和艺术表现力不断刷新着花样滑冰的历史。她同时也是联合国儿童基金会国际亲善大使,长期资助青年花样滑冰选手,曾受邀领衔哈佛大学慈善花样滑冰巡演。金妍儿才艺出众,具有唱歌、钢琴、舞蹈、小提琴、设计等多项业余技能。2015年12月17日,获得韩国国家品牌大奖。NO.8 艺体飞燕(韩国)——孙妍在(身高165cm,体重38公斤)孙妍在,1994年出生于韩国首尔,韩国艺术体操女运动员。孙妍在获得2010年广州亚运会艺术体操个人全能铜牌,2014年艺术体操世锦赛荣获个人全能第四,2015年获得世界大学生夏季运动会个人全能、圈操、球操三枚金牌。2016年在莫斯科举行的艺术体操大奖赛上,战胜各路强手,夺得两银两铜 。同年在里约奥运会艺术体操个人全能项目中获得第四名。所谓环肥燕瘦,38公斤的体重,娇小纤细的身材,美好的面容,让孙妍在在韩国拥有极高的热度。2013年,孙妍在被任命为韩国仁川亚运会形象宣传大使 。同年,荣获“允谷女性体育大赏”(年度最佳女体育人)的称号。NO.7 跳水流星(中国)——赵沁心(身高不详,体重不详)赵沁心,1991年出生于上海,中国跳水运动员。公认的中国跳水界头号美女,快速崛起,但犹如流星坠落的选手。赵沁心2007年夺得城运会女子全能比赛冠军,之后先后获得十一运会女子双人3米板冠军,马德里站女子双人三米板冠军、罗马站女子双人三米板冠军。原本是何姿后的接班人,但因状态急剧下滑以及其他原因,多次获得参赛机会,但结果都惨败收场,甚至拿到过全国锦标赛倒数第一,最终遗憾退役。原本16岁夺冠前途无量,但养伤复出后体重明显增加,同时由于身高快速长高,部分难度动作无法完成(身高体重不详也是因为这个原因,退役后没有再公开)。另外,网传因赵沁心外表过于倩丽,引发包括部分男子跳水运动员在内的男士追求,影响了训练的专注度,导致成绩下滑,被迫退役。退役后,赵沁心成为瑜伽教练,但网友们发现她后背上、后腰上以及脚上多处都是五彩缤纷的纹身,这些纹身以前都是没有出现的,这也一度的引来了很多网友的评论。人都有自己的生活,我们不再评议,希望女孩未来过的幸福自在。NO.6 柔若无骨(中国)——赵敬楠(身高168cm,体重51公斤)赵敬楠,1995年出生于辽宁,中国艺术体操运动员。2013年随辽宁队夺得第十二届全国运动会艺术体操集体全能金牌(辽宁队4连冠)。2016夺得第八届艺术体操亚锦赛带操第1名。2016年入选里约热内卢奥运会中国奥运代表团。凭借外貌和冠军称号完全可以混迹娱乐圈的赵敬楠,退役后选择了返回校园继续读书,就读于北京体育学院研究生的她,凭借着优异的成绩与美丽的外表被评为“校花”。在校园期间的一张照片,充分体现了她的柔软,被网友纷纷转发,也让大家知道了什么叫做柔若无骨。NO.5 排球女神——惠若琪(身高192cm,体重78公斤)惠若琪,1991年出生于辽宁,前中国女子排球运动员、前女排国家队队长,世界冠军、奥运冠军,场上司职主攻。2020年,任中华全国青年联合会第十三届常务委员会委员。2007年,年仅16岁的惠若琪进入中国女排集训大名单,并在2011年成为主力,和队友一起拿到亚锦赛冠军和世界杯季军。2013年,惠若琪担任中国女排的第15任队长,这也是女排第6任主攻担任的队长。2014年获女排世锦赛上获得亚军,2016年获奥运会冠军。由于她出色的成绩,健康的形象,美丽的外貌,个人获得2016网易时尚跨界盛典年度最具人气运动员大奖和2017年联赛最佳人气女运动员。拥有192cm身高的惠若琪,外形却丝毫不显笨拙,完美的比例让她看起来仍然显得秀气可爱,即便与欧美运动员同框,依然显得高挑漂亮。同时,她内敛的东方美让很多球迷为之着迷,是中国女排的人气运动员。2019年,她还本色出演了由陈可辛执导电影《夺冠》中的自己。NO.4 排球童话(哈萨克斯坦)——萨比娜(身高182cm,体重59公斤)萨比娜·阿勒腾别科娃,1996年出生于哈萨克斯坦,哈萨克斯坦著名女排运动员。萨比娜在2014年参加第17届亚洲青年女子(U19)排球锦标赛时,因出众的容貌受到媒体热捧爆红网络。稚嫩单纯的她赶紧向爸妈求救。爸爸表示:“这是因为我女儿长得漂亮,才会有越来越多的人喜欢你,爸爸以你为荣。”萨比娜这才放下心来。18岁的萨比娜在2014年参加了台湾承办的亚洲青年女子(U19)排球锦标赛,因容貌出众,被称为“世界第一排球美少女”“。因为容貌太过出众,来自娱乐圈的邀请纷至沓来,但这位年轻的运动员推掉了绝大部分的邀请。她反复强调,成为一名排球运动员才是她对自己的规划。NO.3 冰上公主(中国)——李子君(165cm,体重56公斤)李子君,1996年出生于吉林省,中国前花样滑冰运动员,花样滑冰女单“留洋计划”参与者之一。2009年获得全国花样滑冰锦标赛冠军,2012年获得中华人民共和国全国冬季运动会冠军,从而实现中国国内赛事的大满贯,国际赛事方面获得过2012年因斯布鲁克冬季青年奥林匹克运动会季军。2014年被中国国家体育总局授予国际级运动健将称号。2014年李子君在冰上雅姿盛典北京站的见面会上,媒体传言她要成为中国的金妍儿,为此李子君遭到了韩国网民的炮轰。次日下午李子君表示自己不想做什么金妍儿,只想做一个最好的自己,此前的话语属于媒体加工。2018年22岁的李子君就选择了退役,这位非常年轻和优秀的选手提前结束了职业生涯,让人非常惋惜。也许精致的面孔反而给她带来了一些麻烦,场下的她也只是一位普通的小姑娘,而年轻的她还缺乏能力面对场外的质疑,这也影响了她职业生涯的高度。NO.2 泳坛美人鱼(中国)——刘湘(180cm,66公斤)刘湘,1996年出生于广东,中国游泳运动员,女子50米仰泳世界纪录保持者。刘湘是在2019年国际泳联游泳世界杯女子50米仰泳夺得冠军,并以27秒35的成绩打破世界杯纪录。2019年,刘湘入选2019福布斯中国30位30岁以下精英榜,同年国家体育总局授予刘湘“训练标兵”荣誉称号。刘湘面容姣好、长发飘飘、笑容灿烂、身材高挑,在她夺冠后,一时间被称为“中国游泳新女神”。NO.1 艺体女神(中国)——张豆豆(172cm,52公斤)张豆豆,1996年出生于山西,中国艺术体操运动员,毕业于山西阳泉市体育运动学校。2013年,张豆豆参加世界艺术体操锦标赛,代表中国艺术体操国家队参加团体比赛获得集体全能第6名的成绩。2014年,张豆豆被国家体育总局竞体司授予国际级运动健将称号 。2015年4月,张豆豆在全国艺术体操个人冠军赛中以总分56.20分的成绩获得个人全能赛季军 。同年9月,张豆豆参加在德国斯图加特举行的世界艺术体操锦标赛。2017年8月,宣布退役。张豆豆面容清秀,素颜更显清纯可人,看起来人很娇小,但其实也有172cm的身高,身材十分高挑,也被称为中国艺术体操女神。而她的面容和身材,也更加符合中国人东方美的审美标准,因此列在首位。女子运动员美女如云,她们不仅有较好的面容,而且因为长期锻炼,透露出健康阳光之美。大家心目中还有其他人选吗?【我是火焰符号,请不吝点赞关注】
  • Q:普林斯顿大学为何能力压哈佛成为全美第一,你怎么看?
  • A:斯蒂文斯理工学院(Stevens Institute of Technology)成立于1870年,是美国历史最为悠久的理工学院之一,美国独立理工大学协会成员, 美国国家一级大学。学校坐落于新泽西州的霍博肯市,属于纽约大都会区,与纽约曼哈顿岛隔河相望。是世界上地理位置最佳的学校之一。迄今共有2名斯蒂文斯的校友或教员获诺贝尔奖,他们是:弗雷德里克·莱因斯(Frederick Reines),1995年诺贝尔物理学奖,1939届斯蒂文斯校友,理学硕士(MS)和工学硕士(M.E)双学位;欧文·朗缪尔(Irving Langmuir),1932年诺贝尔化学奖,1906年-1909年曾在斯蒂文斯任教。斯蒂文斯理工学院的毕业生享有极高声誉,本科生的职业中期平均年薪为120,000美元,在PayScale 2015-2016美国本科毕业生工资排行中位列第十位 [1] ,在二十年投资回报比中位列第三位 [2] ,仅次于哈维穆德学院和加州理工学院。USA today将其评选为全美最佳七所工程学院之一。 [3]2018年U.S.News美国最佳大学排名,斯蒂文斯理工学院排第69名。 [4] 2019福布斯美国大学排行榜第152。