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Blackwood High School
4 Seymour Street,Eden Hills, 5050,South Australia
  • 学校类型:公立
  • 学生总数:1,050
  • 毕业率:71.6%
  • 男女比例:34:66
  • 就业率:89.9%
院校简介 本科申请 研究生申请 院校问答

  Blackwood High School is located in the foothills of Adelaide. The profile of enrolled students includes 5% students of Non-English Speaking Background, 4% English as a Second Language Learner, 3% students with a recognized disability and 1% Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. In addition to these students, the school has increasing numbers of full fee paying international students from countries including Japan, Hong Kong, China, Russia and Korea.

  Our students grow up in a learning environment that places a strong emphasis on students doing their best in all of their endeavours. They learn in an environment that has a strong tradition of academic and sporting excellence. They are friendly, open minded and caring young people, focussed on developing skills and understandings that ensure that they leave our school as well adjusted and creative young men and women. Our students leave confident that they have the intellectual and personal skills for a rewarding, fulfilling life and career.

  Our teachers are part of a motivated and professional team, noted for their skill, knowledge and commitment to developing a positive and challenging learning culture in our school. Many of our teaching staff have been assessed as Advanced Skills Teachers (AST). As a result, we have an enviable reputation for high achievement in scholarship, sport, and cultural activities such as music, art and drama. Up to date facilities such as the Performing Arts Centre, Visual Arts Studios and the co-located Blackwood Recreation Centre support our focus in sport and the Arts.

  Students in year 8 to year 10 study within the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program, which is the framework adopted by the schools of the Mitcham Hills College. From Year 6 to Year 10 our programs are tailored to cater for the diversity of students abilities and interests. In the Middle Years all students study the full range of subjects, including two languages. In the senior years, students study the South Australian Certificate of Education. This program provide our students with the opportunity to study a broad range of subjects that can lead to both professional and vocational pathways. The school also has strong links with the local community, and our commitment to vocational and enterprise education and the links developed with local industry remain a priority in the school.

  I believe students learn best when they feel valued, listened to and challenged, but most importantly when they feel cared for and safe. As Principal, it is my commitment to you that we will always work with you to achieve this important goal. In partnership with you as parent or caregiver, it is our purpose to ensure your daughter or son is well prepared to meet the challenges of an emerging, globalised world.

  At Blackwood High School we are committed to providing opportunities for students to excel through support and challenge, inorder for them to achieve their personal best. Students striving, in conjunction with their teachers, to achieve their best enables themto have a breadth and choice of post school options.

  This curriculum prospectus describes the curriculum in Years 8 to 12 at Blackwood High School for 2012. Subject selection is veryimportant in shaping potential and desired future pathways through to further education, training and employment.The informationin this booklet is designed to support students and their families in making informed choices about their future through courseoptions.

  The curriculum at Blackwood High School in Years 8 to 10 is the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (IBMYP). Thiscurriculum is internationally accredited and is supported through strong curriculum connections within and across the Mitcham HillsCollege - comprising seven schools including Blackwood High, Belair, Bellevue Heights, Blackwood, Coromandel Valley, EdenHills and Hawthorndene Primary Schools. Students coming to Blackwood from within the Mitcham Hills College continue with thefive year IBMYP program to the end of Year 10. Students who come from schools outside the Mitcham Hills College, are ableto complete the IBMYP through Years 8 to 10. The IBMYP equips students with the skills and abilities to engage in a full range ofcourses in Year 11 and 12 as well as developing globally minded young people. Within Year 9 and 10 students are able to makesome choices to follow their passions, strengths and interests. Students in Year 10 commence their SACE Studies by undertaking thecompulsory component, the Personal Learning Plan (PLP) delivered through their pastoral care program.

  The senior school curriculum is consistent with the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) offering both SACE Stage 1(Year 11) and SACE Stage 2 (Year 12) opportunities. Students at Blackwood High School can undertake a range of courses in thesenior school including a comprehensive range of Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs. Details of the requirements tocomplete the SACE and the opportunities available are provided in the prospectus.

  Blackwood High School actively seeks links with the tertiary sector to offer curriculum that enables students to have tertiary experience.This includes enrolment in some tertiary programs and tertiary staff working with students and our staff. These opportunities canchange from year to year. However, as they become available students are provided with information and supported by the staffin the school.

  To support the important process of course selection and counselling, student assemblies to explain the process and parentinformation evenings will be conducted early in Term 3 prior to the Course Counselling Day.

  Course selection requires making wise decisions. These decisions need to be based on student individual interests, past successesand desired futures. Staff at Blackwood High are available to support students and parents in providing information and adviceabout course requirements.


师生比:1:11国际学生比例:1:8本科生数:7,274人 男女比:34:66在校学生数:1,050研究生数:11,072人


1、斯克兰顿大学(美国斯克兰顿大学,The University of Scranton)连续被《美国新闻与世界报道》为北部十佳研究生学位大学,而其所在区域是这项调查最大也是最具竞争力的区域。







为学生们提供学士学位、硕士学位以及博士学位,专业设置广泛,开设的主要专业包括:美洲研究、人类学、亚洲语言、生物科学、化学、古典文学、交流学、比较文学、戏剧、地球科学、亚洲研究、工程、经济学、英语、历史、国际关系、数学、音乐、哲学、心理学、宗教研究、象征系统学、计算机科学、化学工程、土木工程、电气工程、机械工程学、工程物理学、环境工程、生物工程、计算机系统工程 、产品设计、城市研究、建筑设计、数学及计算机科学、航空航天、能源资源工程、管理学与工程、材料科学与工程、生物力学工程、地质工程学与水文学等等





  • 本科学生数:7,274人
  • 本科录取率:
  • 本科申请人数:10,114
  • 申请截止时间:3月1日;EA:11月15日
  • 总花费:$59,594
  • 申请费:$90
  • 学费:$42,162
  • 住宿费:$14,264
  • 生活费:$4,260
  • 研究生学生数:11,072人
  • 研究生录取率:6%
  • 研究生申请人数:38,828
  • 申请截止时间:9月9日-4月12日
  • 总花费:$102,936-178,465
  • 申请费:$125-275
  • 学费:$54,315-129,700
  • 住宿费:$20,955
  • 生活费:$26,220
  • Q:布莱克伍得中学费用贵吗?
  • A:  布莱克伍德中学建于1960年,坐落于南澳州阿德雷德市迷人的山麓丘陵地带,提供世界一流的国际文凭课程和国际文凭组织中年级项目。   布莱克伍德中学已经为本地的社区服务了近50年,获得了高学术水准、体育活动和艺术项目高参与度等名声。女生可以选择申请参加特殊兴趣篮网球项目,注重技巧的培养,给学生提供高层次的竞赛。   学费:AUD 11800
  • Q:布莱克伍得中学入学要求有哪些?
  • A:  布莱克伍德中学建于1960年,坐落于南澳州阿德雷德市迷人的山麓丘陵地带,提供世界一流的国际文凭课程和国际文凭组织中年级项目。   布莱克伍德中学已经为本地的社区服务了近50年,获得了高学术水准、体育活动和艺术项目高参与度等名声。女生可以选择申请参加特殊兴趣篮网球项目,注重技巧的培养,给学生提供高层次的竞赛。   入学要求   学术要求:   1.初中毕业生,获得初中毕业证;2.或高中在读学生;   语言要求:   1.申请入读11年级的学生要求雅思5.0分;2.申请入读12年级的学生要求雅思5.5分;3.有双录取。
  • Q:布莱克伍得中学怎么样?
  • A:  布莱克伍德高中(http://school.liuxue360.com/au/blackwoodhs/)坐落于阿得莱德市迷人的山麓丘陵地带,提供世界一流的国际文凭课程和国际文凭组织中年级项目。布莱克伍德高中成立于1961年,已经为本地的社区服务了近50年,获得了高学术水准、高体育参与率和活跃的艺术项目等名声。女生可以选择申请参加特殊兴趣蓝网球项目,注重技巧的培养,给学生提供高层次的竞赛。我们的主题,成就和尊重的氛围,可以帮助指导学生达到最优秀的自己,学习如何带着敬意和尊严生活。我们有无线网络给课程提供支持,使学生可以与世界同步。
  • Q:布莱克伍得中学优势有哪些?
  • A:  布莱克伍德中学建于1960年,坐落于南澳州阿德雷德市迷人的山麓丘陵地带,提供世界一流的国际文凭课程和国际文凭组织中年级项目。   布莱克伍德中学已经为本地的社区服务了近50年,获得了高学术水准、体育活动和艺术项目高参与度等名声。女生可以选择申请参加特殊兴趣篮网球项目,注重技巧的培养,给学生提供高层次的竞赛。   学校的主题,成就和尊重的氛围,可以帮助指导学生达到最优秀的自己,学习如何带着敬意和尊严生活。学校有无线网络给课程提供支持,使学生可以与世界同步。   对于国际学生,学校开办短期, 中期和长期的英语课程帮助学生尽快融入澳洲的学习环境。 同时, 布莱克伍德中学欢迎各国学校组织到其为期两周的文学习化交流活动。   另外,布莱克伍德中学提供各种体育项目, 尤其其无挡板篮球(netball)在澳洲当地十分出名,   多次获得各地的奖项。   布莱克伍德中学的学生在一个学习的环境中成长,这就强调了学生要尽自己最大努力做好一切,他们在一个有着学术与体育优异成绩传统的环境中学习,这样的环境使学生学会了友好、思维活跃,关爱,强调发展技能与理解能力,确保学生在离开学校时也能很好的适应社会。   学校的焦点领域:   国际学士学位   篮网球   音乐   表演艺术   特殊兴趣项目:   有8-11年级的特殊兴趣篮网球项目   8-10年级国际学士学位中年级项目   音乐项目-8-12年级乐队   管弦乐、乐器讲授与音乐技能   表演艺术项目-8-12年级戏剧与舞蹈表演   主要年度作品   8-9年级的个性化的数字学习项目   10-12年级的职业教育与培训
  • Q:布莱克伍得中学好不好?
  • A:  布莱克伍德高中(http://school.liuxue360.com/au/blackwoodhs/)坐落于阿得莱德市迷人的山麓丘陵地带,提供世界一流的国际文凭课程和国际文凭组织中年级项目。布莱克伍德高中成立于1961年,已经为本地的社区服务了近50年,获得了高学术水准、高体育参与率和活跃的艺术项目等名声。女生可以选择申请参加特殊兴趣蓝网球项目,注重技巧的培养,给学生提供高层次的竞赛。我们的主题,成就和尊重的氛围,可以帮助指导学生达到最优秀的自己,学习如何带着敬意和尊严生活。我们有无线网络给课程提供支持,使学生可以与世界同步。